Saturday, February 20, 2010

AWEN Greenhouse Part 2

Feb. 20, 2010

Part 2 of the AWEN Greenhouse adventures.
I think I need to back up slightly so that you can better understand AWEN Greenhouse, for you see it is not just a regular greenhouse, it is full of wonders and amazing things. In Sept. of 2009 I started a volunteer group, it is known as neighbor helping neighbor, the concept is simple, if a neighbor needs help with a project, whether it be inside or out, we will help. They supply materials and lunch and we supply man/woman power. Some people balked at the idea but our grassroots group is now 20 members strong and growing. We have slowed down for the winter months but I can tell that the weekend projects are picking up again. In our going out to the community we saw a need greater then just physical projects, we saw that this uncertain economy was effecting many in our community. We knew that growing vegetables to feed the hungry was a great way to help our own neighbors. Only a few in our group may have had the money to buy a small greenhouse but not on the scale that was needed to make a difference. So thru faith the call went out, a greenhouse was found, a new project undertaken! Neighbor helping Neighbor helped us reach many people who in turn helped us so that we can help others. It is truly a circle of friends and neighbors.

On good weather days we are working on constructing the greenhouse and we can finally say that we are getting closer to completion. Last week K and I , with the help of Irene and Tony took over K's art studio and exercise room and started planting many, many seeds into pots and trays, they will soon all be moved into the greenhouse, the AWEN Greenhouse! So you see the greenhouse is truly magical, it appeared when no one thought it would, the seeds are planted, that is most wonderous. I have many many stories to tell of the wonderful people in our group and I will tell it starting in part 3. You will then also see some of the pictures of the greenhouse and the magical chairs and table.

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