Wednesday, February 24, 2010

New Name

It was decided today that AWEN needs a new name, so the new name will be Tre' AWEN. More proof of AWEN being magical and mystical is the fact that K will not need any knee surgery at all. Knee brace yes, surgery no. Yeah. I think that those who believe will also understand that when we gather at Tre' AWEN to work or socialize we all come away feeling better then we were when we arrived. Yes the bowl also helps, that is for those who understand the bowl, I will leave it at that for today. I walked from my home thru the woods along the newly planted path, it is absolutely wonderful for the senses of sight , smell and feel. You will need to be in tuned to nature to understand the feelings. I am excited in the thought that soon the pictures will tell the stories of our Tre' Awen. Tomorrow I will post pictures of the chairs around the new table that Shelley and Malydia have built , the table is being painted by K and I want you to see the before and after pics.

All for tonight, more to come tomorrow.
Also for thought: when wondering how all things are furnished to AWEN it is written in 2 Timothy 3:17 'I will thoroughly furnish you unto all good works.' So all good works are rewarded.

The question of how to live one's life and find one's true life purpose can only be solved by making consistent effort to help others win over the miseries that afflict them. This is the way of the bodhisattva--to exert oneself for the sake of others while striving for one's own self-realization

Snow covered chairs

Here are the beautiful snow covered chairs , many of us would like K to paint theses and turn them into Christmas cards. All of you agree please post your comment.

AWEN Family

Feb. 24th 2010

AWEN Family news

Went over to K and Tony's this morning to plant some more seeds, and to my surprise the seeds that we planted just a week ago are all coming up! We have tomato's, cabbage, spinach, lettuce, etc. They all look great, so far we are at 100% growth. Today we planted radish's, turnips, carrots and cucumbers. No cantaloupes planting yet. I always have a great time planting seeds with k, and Tony helps by providing water and Irene provides encouragement. Everything is growing, even our AWEN family. Today is a great day, the plantings that K and Tony did for me looks great also. They planted rose bushes, rose mallows, mums, and many oak trees. The back property is really looking great. Bulbs that were planted last year are also coming up! Can hardly wait for spring to be here and everything starts blooming. The plants are going to be better then the pictures we will be posting. We will be working this weekend on placing tables in the greenhouse to put our trays on, yeah, good times. I can taste the fruits of our labor already.

Watch for tomorrows post and rememebr to add your comments also. Love hearing from you.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Feb. 23,2010

Last night many of our friends gathered at The Mongolian House in New Bern to celebrate Christal's 24th birthday. As usual we had way to much fun. It was a great time to be had by all. The good food helped also. We laughed and talked and ate and did it all again. We try to all get together at a minimum of once a month if not more. We have a project on Saturday as part of our Neighbor helping Neighbor program, fencing will be going up for Sandy and her two big dogs, and one small dog. Many friends coming together again. It is a gathering of friends, we are all called together to assist and uplift. That is what AWEN and Neighbor helping Neighbor is all about.

I will be having a medical procedure done on Friday morning that will not allow me to participate in any of the activities this weekend. I will be thinking of all of you.

Monday, February 22, 2010


Imagine a place in a far away land, a quiet place filled with people from far away lands. It is a place that calls to you, that speaks to you. The trees call you into their realm, their world. The land speaks to you and allows you to do marvelous things. It has you doing things that you never thought possible. This place, this land changes you, it brings you peace, it brings you love, it brings you joy. It is up to you if you accept what it has to offer. Do you quiet your mind so that it can speak to you, so that you can feel the peace? Do you feel the butterflies as they dance around you, if you are still enough you will hear them speak to you. The spirit of the earth will make things magical happen for you if you allow it and you believe. The spirit of the wind will bring peace to your soul if you can feel it, truly feel it. You have to have a loving, caring, giving heart and soul to hear the land, hear the trees, hear the spirit. It only offers itself to those who are ready and to those who are willing to give back. For if you truly give, then you will truly receive.

AWEN is this place, it is not the greenhouse in itself, it is what the greenhouse represents. The greenhouse came to be because the spirits in this land said it was to be, all we have been given is because it was meant to be. No matter how much we work at something, no matter the cost, if it was not meant to be there, then the karma is bad and it will not last. Only with spirits guidance and good karma will something great happen. So to non believers AWEN is a greenhouse, to those of us who believe then AWEN is a blessing , greatness will come of it since we are doing what the land and the trees and the earth want us to do, we are not fighting it, we are embracing it.

Thank you many times over to those who are making it all come true.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

AWEN Greenhouse Part 3 continued

Okay, here is the real story of our greenhouse, the greenhouse is part of the neighborhood community. It is not just a regular greenhouse though, it is also not just on regular land operated by regular everyday people. It is a greenhouse that was meant to be built on land that is mystical and magical. It is a greenhouse built and operated by people full of life and spirit. For those who believe that there are forces greater then us at work, it is proof of such works. Once it was voiced that a greenhouse was needed, it came to be, once it was voiced that we needed help in building it, it came to be, seeds have been given, bulbs have been given. We needed paths in our woods, paths that take us from one neighbor to another. It was a great beautiful day so Chuck operated the backhoe, Shelley operated the chainsaw , Christal and I operated the machete's and moved trees and limbs out of the way. Frank helped us toward the end also. For those who do not know, I was doing things that the Dr's did not want me to , yet I had the strength and the will to do it. We were able to cut a path thru the woods over a mile long on that day. While we were doing that Tony, Greg, Malydia, Paul, Wendy , Susan, K and Irene were all working on the greenhouse construction. So how is it that so many are called together to help others in a cause that will be used to feed the neighborhood? What is it that makes things happen that ordinarily would not happen, what is it that makes things appear that are needed? We needed a heat source for the upstairs of Tony and K's house, Wendy had one, she offered it without her knowing that one was needed. I believe that it is magical and wondrous. I feel that forces are at work and we need to let it happen. When we stop fighting what needs to be, it will be.
More stories to come along with more pictures of our works.
Thank you to Tony, K, Irene, as well as Frankie and April. Thank you to Chuck and Greg and Christal.

AWEN Greenhouse Part 3

Paths and butterflies along our path.

One of the many butterflies along our paths, shelley and Malydia put them up, Shelley's mom made them. They are beautiful.

The bridge that Tony R. built.

Greg standing in the greenhouse so that you can get a better feel for its size.

Eve and Irene sitting in the wonderful chairs that we all made, okay mainly Shelley and Malydia but we helped.

The greenhouse again with Tony, Greg and Chuck doing some framing.

Feb. 21, 2010

The weather was wonderful, the Davis bunch went over to the Rowlands, early morning, ate breakfast together then headed out to the back yard. You will see some of us working on the greenhouse, some watching others working, and some planting many, many trees. I decided to take a walk in the woods, I wanted to see how the paths looked now that it dried out a little. I also wanted another look at the wonderful butterflies. That is another story, the paths that is . I will explain next time how those came to be.
Today I want to try to explain how magical all of this is.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

AWEN Greenhouse Part 2

Feb. 20, 2010

Part 2 of the AWEN Greenhouse adventures.
I think I need to back up slightly so that you can better understand AWEN Greenhouse, for you see it is not just a regular greenhouse, it is full of wonders and amazing things. In Sept. of 2009 I started a volunteer group, it is known as neighbor helping neighbor, the concept is simple, if a neighbor needs help with a project, whether it be inside or out, we will help. They supply materials and lunch and we supply man/woman power. Some people balked at the idea but our grassroots group is now 20 members strong and growing. We have slowed down for the winter months but I can tell that the weekend projects are picking up again. In our going out to the community we saw a need greater then just physical projects, we saw that this uncertain economy was effecting many in our community. We knew that growing vegetables to feed the hungry was a great way to help our own neighbors. Only a few in our group may have had the money to buy a small greenhouse but not on the scale that was needed to make a difference. So thru faith the call went out, a greenhouse was found, a new project undertaken! Neighbor helping Neighbor helped us reach many people who in turn helped us so that we can help others. It is truly a circle of friends and neighbors.

On good weather days we are working on constructing the greenhouse and we can finally say that we are getting closer to completion. Last week K and I , with the help of Irene and Tony took over K's art studio and exercise room and started planting many, many seeds into pots and trays, they will soon all be moved into the greenhouse, the AWEN Greenhouse! So you see the greenhouse is truly magical, it appeared when no one thought it would, the seeds are planted, that is most wonderous. I have many many stories to tell of the wonderful people in our group and I will tell it starting in part 3. You will then also see some of the pictures of the greenhouse and the magical chairs and table.

How AWEN Greenhouse came to be Part 1

Let me start this story by telling you how AWEN Greenhouse got its name, it is a combined name of Arbor Way and Eagles Nest. Those are the call names for the walkie talkies of the Rowland's and the Davis's, neighbors. Even though we are neighbors we each have large acres of land that separate us so the walkie talkies are helpful as well as fun. There were many factors that came in to play with this greenhouse but it may have started with the idea of us helping not just ourselves but our neighbors in our community. So let me introduce ourselves, I am Eve Davis, leader, instigator, promoter, seeker, and I am sure I have been called many names by many people. My husband is Greg Davis, he is the builder in all of our projects. He pretty much will build what I ask. Then there is Tony and K Rowland , our neighbors and friends, along with Tony's mother Irene Johnson. There are some more neighbors who we will call Shelley and Malydia, very good neighbors and friends also. Later on in the story you will be able to read on just how great and helpful they are. I will also introduce later on the rest of our rag tag gang of friends, family and neighbors. K and I were sitting outside at my home and K mentioned that she wanted a greenhouse, I agreed that I wanted one also, but we both have priced them and knew that they were to costly for us. I mentioned to K to wait a day and I would come up with something. We wanted a greenhouse so that we could grow vegetables year round, not just for ourselves but for feeding the hungry. So K agreed that she would wait a day before purchasing at least a small greenhouse. The following day I was with another friend and we were talking about our plans with a greenhouse, we both knew of someone who had a few large greenhouses and I asked her to make a call to see if any were for sale. K and I knew that a greenhouse would costs up to the thousand figure if not more, but we were going to ask anyway. Well as promised I was able to locate a greenhouse that we could afford, and boy what a greenhouse! It is 25 by 40 and 14 feet tall. Yeah we have a greenhouse, okay now what ! Remember to watch what you ask for, you just may get it. Once I sealed the price of the century I called K who then spoke with Tony and it was confirmed that Greg and Tony would go pay for the greenhouse right away before the deal was changed. So we received the large greenhouse, vents and delivery for one great price. I do think we were all in shock for a day or two since as promised to K, Eve made good on her promise to secure a greenhouse.